
Type Object

Defines the classNames that the instance will use.

Property Default Value
list"nst-list"Added to list elements
item"nst-item"Added to list item elements
content"nst-content"Added to content elements
parent"nst-parent"Added to the main list element
dragging"nst-dragging"Added to element being dragged
handle"nst-handle"Added to drag handle
placeholder"nst-placeholder"Added to the placeholder element
container"nst-container"Added to the container holding the element(s) being dragged
button"nst-button"Added to the expaned / collapse button
collapsed"nst-collapsed"Added to a list that is collapsed
disabled"nst-disabled"Added to a list / item that is disabled
error"nst-error"Added to list / item during an error
moving"nst-moving"Added to the main list element when an item is being dragged